Who are we?

We are a group of European paediatricians trained in neonatology, working in maternity. "We have our hands in the birth"

The paediatrician is the doctor of the developing being, addressing the physical, psychic, behavioural needs, acquisitions, but above all to detect and identify disorders and deficits for their management.

The paediatrician is the attending physician, at the centre of a triangular relationship: infant-parent-physician, referent of a complementary multidisciplinary approach to infant development.

Behaviour : Observation ; Psychoanalysis : Interpretation ; Neuroscience : Exploration ; Genetics and Epigenetics : Explanation ; Development : Adaptation ; Singularity : Inversion ; "Matrescence" and Baby-blues : Depression.

Faced with so much complexity and interaction, we want to make this site simple and practical.