
  • The fetus is rather in a state of dormancy, without a really individualized cycle, independently from its mother except in the evening, it is more agitated when she starts to rest.
  • During childbirth the baby sleeps, impregnated by maternal endorphins. But if the delivery is difficult he wakes up.
  • Sleep during the first month is marked by the prevalence of hunger and satiety. There are small or large sleepers, in 3 to 4 hour increments, with no circadian rhythm. The waking phases are often agitated. Unlike adults, they fall asleep in an agitated phase with hypotonia and relaxation, which represents 50 to 60% of their sleep per 50 minutes.
  • The circadian rhythm appears around 2 months but is very dependent on the "time givers" and its food intake, it will be set on the day around 4 months.
  • From this age onwards, sleep patterns are more effective. Its biological time adapts to the emotion of its environment. Reassure him by a sleep ritual that ends at the place where he will sleep at night. For night-time awakenings, switch on a dim light, but a beautiful light to mark the morning.
  • Night noises are normal if they are transient, they appear and disappear spontaneously. But a respiratory or other noise, persistent, requires the vigilance of the parents.
  • We sleep as we fall asleep, we sleep well only reassured : these two sentences are precious. Put him to sleep in the place where he will have to spend the night.
  • Avoid letting him fall asleep with a bottle in his cot, avoid screens when he falls asleep. 
  • Loose swaddling, placed in a physiological position on the back, palms on the chest, can make it easier to put him to sleep by limiting Moro's reflex. He must be able to free himself from it when he wakes up. Stop it at 5 months when he will find the best position to fall asleep alone.
  • Remember to change the sleeping position often, this facilitates psychomotor development, the holding and motor skills of the head and avoids plagiocephaly.
  •  Tip to make him sleep well (here)