The Vesperal Crying or Baby's Witching Hours

  •     Remember that before its birth the foetus was restless in the evening, after its birth it manifests just as much.
  •     In the evening, the baby becomes restless: it calms down when you walk carrying him, it gets angry when you lay him down. Paediatricians interpret this archaic reflex as a manifestation of abandonment anxiety, which makes him fear the risks of predators at night.
  • The tilting carriage, the calm.
  • The swinging carrying, relaxes him.

Several origins can be invoked:

  • Fatigue leading to overexcitement,
  • Breastfeeding in bunches and a drop in milk in the evening due to maternal fatigue,
  • The absence of reference points to reassure and soothe,
  • Ignore the signs of the sleep window.