Reassure / Explore

- Without opposing each other, these behaviours follow one another, they are rhythmic and structuring by their repetition in the organization of the character that governs the exchanges with the entourage.
- One succeeds the other to form the cycle of life.
Place of the father :
- Professor Michel Soulé speaks of it during foetal life as the placenta which harmonises the exchanges between the mother and her foetus. It will be the same after birth, the father being the agent of protection necessary for the mother-baby fusion but also by relativizing this relationship he allows the defusion necessary for acquisitions, allowing the emergence of the infant's autonomy.
- The father shares part of the pregnancy in the cover, which represents for him an important adaptation because if in the couple "opposites attract" for pregnancy and birth "what is similar comes together" becoming parents together. Because if the opposites touch each other, they become complementary.
- The father must know The Three Points to Calm His Child to reassure the mother.
- Through the "bonding" of care, the father allows the relay by ensuring the functions of discovery, play, curiosity because his practice is different from that of the mother.
- The grandparents, the family and all the people taking care of the little one, participate in creating the diversity and richness of the exchanges because ;
- "The brain notices the differences but remembers the similarities".
- Very quickly the infant notices these differences and schematizes them in his preferences which are inscribed in his memory and which we will find again in his anticipations because he uses his projective memory.
- This richness is organised in his child's intelligence which consists in having maximum effect with minimum effort in a very affective space.