Notion of psychic loop and object of this site
August 2, 2020 at 7:15 pm,
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- Short introduction : During foetal life many exchanges, adapted by the placenta, follow one another between the mother and her foetus, they organize the adaptation for the birth as shown by epigenetics, they participate in the psychic modifications of the mother and the father's behaviours as shown by behavioural neuroscience.
- Birth terror : For the mother it is the loss of the totipotentiality of nesting, her baby is autonomous, he communicates through new channels. For the newborn it is the gravity of his body that makes him fear collapsing, scattering, dismantling, it is the anguish of abandonment that motivates his calls.
- Succeed the tonic catch : These new multimodal links form psychic loops that are adhesive, projective, interjectives and defensive. The memorization of these exchanges schematizes the autobiographical Proto-self and self, "I'm mommy!" "I'm an addict!" The calls of self-preservation impulse are organized in pictograms that agglomerate in a quantum Co-Psyché that shares and rhythms itself in mother-baby resonance.
- This site wishes to play the role of the third party in the psychic loop : to help the baby, his mother, his father, to get up from the birth by the sharing of reference points and exchanges favouring the resolution of toxic-stress.
- Here is an open list of authors who evoke these notions ; Mélanie Klein, Esther Blick, Martha Harris, Donald Meltzer, Michel Haag, France Tustin, Didier Anzieu, Daniel Stern, Didier Houzel, André Green, Serge Lebovici, Wilfred Bion, Donald Winnicott, Manuel Perez-Sanchez, Sandor Ferenczi, Piera Aulagnier, Bernard Golse, Victor Guerra, Daniel Marcelli, José Bleger, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer.