• Personality : This is the schematization of the infant's environment and the interactions he has with it. It is built in the first 5 months of life and remains stable throughout life.
  • Orality : This is the first mode of exchange, present from the foetal period, it organizes the three proximal senses, smell, touch and taste.REGARD
  • The glance : Disturbing but intense at the beginning, it structures the auditive faculty present in the foetus. Much more acute in the vertical position.
  • The proprioception : While floating in the amniotic fluid, the newborn feels heavy at birth. He therefore seeks to feel carried. The proprioception will evolve towards equilibrium, after the inversion of the central and peripheral tones.

  • The 7th sense : It is the intuition which gathers the harmony of the 6 previous senses which go well together, disturbed in the evening during the vesperal cry, expressing the anguish of abandonment.
  • Motivation: the intuition to live, discover and explore. Is it necessary to train the motivation to grow up in order to reach autonomy and then freedom?
  • Rhythm : perceived as early as foetal life, it modulates energy, it is the basis of all the arts, of all sequences, of all exchanges. Well organized and explained, it allows the newborn to recognize and anticipate the action of the caregivers.  It regulates the needs for hunger, thirst, sleep, care, reassurance, discovery, communication.
  • The intimate : fragile, that's how life passes, it is protected by modesty. Modesty is composed of respect and trust, indispensable to love, which alone allows the sharing of intimacy.
  • Culture : It's the set of things you know and believe in. It's your balance. Transmit it fully! He will choose from the cultures of his parents the elements that best suit him for his time. What's good for you is good for your baby, by adapting it...
  • Intelligence : Expressed in two forms, the intimate intelligence of childhood which consists in having the maximum effect with a minimum of effort in an emotional space, then the social intelligence which consists in making connections between elements.